Imani Danielle Mosley

music historian | digital & public humanist | bassoonist

"hello? housekeeping!"

This is just a short post to note that HitM is e x p a n d i n g !

We've added a new twitter account at @humanistmachine to serve a few different purposes: yes, it will aggregate all of my posts here but it won't be of those twitter feeds, I plan on talking to all of you! Twitter is where I hear about a lot of new developments around technology, musicology, digital humanities, and everything in-between & I want this twitter account to be a discursive space for all of that. Plus, as it takes a while to craft these posts, I'd like dialogue to continue in the in-between times. Honestly, there's so much going on that there needs to be some kind of catch-all, you know?

We're also a channel on Apple News! So if you digest your news that way, go on and add us! 

That's it for now…when we return: taxonomy, biases, & why is music so hard to talk about?